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Autograph Capsule | Luminosity Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016

Autograph Capsule | Luminosity Gaming | MLG Columbus 2016

Counter-Strike 2
Counter-Strike 2
Base Grade Container
This item commemorates the 2016 MLG Columbus CS:GO Championship.
This capsule contains a single sticker autographed by one of the players from Luminosity Gaming at MLG Columbus 2016. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations. That sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon.
Container Series #132
Contains one of the following:
fnx | MLG Columbus 2016
coldzera | MLG Columbus 2016
FalleN | MLG Columbus 2016
fer | MLG Columbus 2016
TACO | MLG Columbus 2016
This item is a commodity, where all the individual items are effectively identical. Individual listings aren't accessible; you can instead issue orders to buy at a specific price, with the cheapest listing getting automatically matched to the highest buy order. Read more about buy orders.
After purchase, this item:
  • will not be tradable for one week
  • cannot be listed on the Steam Community Market for one week
36 for sale starting at $9.25
$9.60 or more17
200 requests to buy at $7.61 or lower
$6.01 or less191

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