Best Ways To Improve Your Aim In CS2

Aiming is a crucial mechanic to learn and master in any first-person shooter video game. And when it comes to fast-paced competitive FPS titles like Counter-Strike, having a good aim is non-optional if you’re looking to reach the highest levels of the ranking spectrum.
Let’s face it, Valve’s tactical shooter CS2 is renowned for being one of the most complex FPS games on the internet, but gunfights usually boil down to the fundamental aspect of clicking on your enemies’ heads before they can click on yours. Proper utility usage, positioning, and game sense will certainly enable you to win more duels, but none of them can act as a replacement for having a bad aim.
If you’re finding yourself being stuck at a certain rank and being unable to rank up, your aim might be the key thing that’s holding you back. In this article, we’re gonna take a look at some of the best methods that you can adopt to quickly improve your aim in CS2.
Do note that we’re not gonna talk about ranking up in general, but just improving your raw aim. In case you’re looking for ways to rank up easily in Counter-Strike, you can choose to check out our guide on swiftly ranking up in CS2.
Without further ado, let’s get into the detailed guide to improving your aim in CS2.
How To Get Better Aim In CS2
Below, we have listed some tips that will help you improve your aim in CS2. Before you take a look at the tips, bear in mind that improving your CS2 aim isn’t a sprint, but a marathon. While you will achieve noticeable results in just 10 minutes of aim training, it will require you weeks, months, or even years of practice to perfect your aim and hit one taps like NiKo.
1. Work On Your Crosshair Placement
Crosshair placement should undoubtedly be the single most important focus when you’re working on improving your aim. No, crosshair placement in CS2 isn’t just as simple as keeping your crosshair head level. Proper crosshair placement requires you to assess your own reaction time and correctly predict where you’ll need to aim to be able to pop your enemies’ heads as soon as they peek you.
While hitting some spicy flicks can certainly feel satisfying, it isn’t the optimal way to win duels. You should instead try to pre-aim angles in such a way that you have to move your mouse as little as possible to get a headshot on your opponent.
The easiest way to improve crosshair placement is to simply play the game more, but you can escalate the process by playing deathmatches while focusing on predicting enemy peeks.
Once you master the art of crosshair placement in CS2, you’ll find yourself performing much more consistently and winning a lot more gunfights than before.
2. Use Aim Training Maps
The community workshop is a great place for players to find maps to train their aim in CS2. There are a plethora of maps available in the workshop that lets you practice various aspects of gameplay. Some may help you improve your reaction time, while others can be used to improve your raw mechanical aim by practicing flicks.
3. External Aim Trainers
You should use third-party aim trainers for two primary reasons - it lets you track your progress and it enables you to adjust specific settings to further improve your training routines. For instance, it’s much easier to practice your tracking skills in aim trainers than in CS2.
The most popular aim trainers currently available on the internet include Aim Lab and KoovaK’s. The former is a free application while the latter has a small price tag on it.
Set aside thirty minutes to up to two hours of your time every day to practice your aim on these external aim trainers. Continue this routine for a few weeks and track your progress. You’d be surprised to see how much your aim will improve in only a couple of weeks.
4. Warming Up
The importance of warming up before queuing for a competitive game of CS2 can’t possibly be overstated. Always warm up your aim before you play a competitive game, as the short warmup timer you get when you queue into a game is never enough.
The ideal way to warm up would be to hop into a custom aim map for a few minutes to build up your muscle memory, followed by two or three deathmatches to work on your crosshair placement. Once you feel like your aim has gotten good enough, you’re free to hop into a competitive game and test your skills.
5. Peripherals
It goes without saying that the peripherals you use can have a major impact on your aiming skills. If you feel like you’re unable to improve your aim despite following all the above-mentioned steps, your peripherals might be holding you back.
If you have a monitor with a 60 Hz screen, consider upgrading to 144 Hz or even 240 Hz as higher refresh rates can make your game much smoother and can help you see enemies earlier than they see you. You can also consider getting better hardware including a better mouse, keyboard, or a better rig based on what you think is holding you back from improving.
These were all the major tips that you’ll ever need to improve your aim in CS2. Remember, the mindset you adopt while playing the game can be the key to improving your aim and gamesense. Always consciously try to maintain the perfect crosshair placement and keep predicting what your enemies’ next moves can be. If you can follow a strict practice routine and adhere to a warmup schedule, there’s nothing that can stop you from reaching that rank you dream of.