The Best Cheap Knife Skins in CS2

September 28th, 2023
The Best Cheap Knife Skins in CS2
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Knives are a weapon that needs no introduction when it comes to CS2. Despite its simplicity, the CS2 knife is one of the most iconic weapons in the game by far. It has generated some of the craziest and most memorable plays in the game, and it wouldn’t be the same game without it.

List of the best cheap knife skins

So, if you’re a huge fan of the knife, we’re sure you’re eyeballing some skins for it. Knife skins are extremely popular, and any CS2 player worth their salt has a sick looking one up their sleeves. Well, worry not, we’ve got a list of the best cheap knife skins for you. So, without further ado, let’s get straight into the list!

1. ★ Gut Knife | Doppler (Factory New)

For our first skin on this list, we have the Doppler Gut Knife. Now, the Gut Knife is a popular variant of the knife in CS2 thanks to its visceral look, and the Doppler skin makes full use of this aspect of the weapon. With a dark blue and black color scheme and a soft textured look on the red hue, it makes for an awesome looking weapon that’s begging to be plunged into an unaware enemy.

Simplistic skins like this are great because they appeal to everyone. We’re sure anyone would be happy to use the Doppler skin, so if you’re looking for something simple to start your skin journey, this is a good start.

★ Gut Knife | Doppler (Factory New)
Starting at

2. ★ Bowie Knife | Marble Fade (Factory New)

Moving on, we’ve got one of the most popular CS2 knife skins, the Marble Fade Bowie Knife. Made legendary by many different memes and reactions, the Marble Fade skins are some of the most beloved skins in the game, and for good reason. Featuring a clean blend of hues and sheens that mix together seamlessly, it’s an incredibly attractive skin.

If you like skins that have a history with the community or just plain good looking skins, then the Marble Fade Bowie Knife should appeal to you.

★ Bowie Knife | Marble Fade (Factory New)
Starting at

3. ★ Huntsman Knife | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)

Ah, the Tiger Tooth Hunstman Knife. Bright orange with a black textured hilt, the skin is something special to use. As the name would imply, it clearly takes after the look of a tiger skin, though it does a huge amount with that simple idea. Take for example the orange blade, which features a striped appearance thanks to various sheens of darker orange. It looks clean and striking effortlessly.

★ Huntsman Knife | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)
Starting at

4. ★ Bayonet | Freehand (Field-Tested)

Taking a departure from the more grounded approach we’ve been seeing so far, the Freehand Bayonet is an extremely busy design. Almost tribal-like patterns are strewn all over the blade of the weapon in bright luminescent white, all against a dark purple background. Standing out is an understatement in this case, it sticks out like a sore, glowing thumb in the ocean of simple, muted knife skins.

★ Bayonet | Freehand (Field-Tested)
Starting at

5. ★ Talon Knife | Ultraviolet (Field-Tested)

The Talon Knife is another one of the most popular knife variants in CS2, and the Ultraviolet Talon Knife keeps things simple, letting the aesthetics of the weapon do the talking. Featuring a darkened black blade and a stylish purple hilt, it’s a plain slick looking weapon. ‘Less is more’ is the name of the game here, and you simply can’t go wrong with this skin, especially if you’re a fan of purple.

★ Talon Knife | Ultraviolet (Field-Tested)
Starting at

6. ★ Ursus Knife | Slaughter (Minimal Wear)

Taking the simple looking Ursus Knife and making something cool out of it is a huge task, but the Slaughter Ursus Knife pulls it off with flying colors. Putting the more angular and straight shapes of the weapon to good use, the Slaughter skin gives the blade a patterned, layered red coloring that makes for a shockingly futuristic looking weapon. It’s basically a laser knife!

On top of this, the gray hilt of the knife finishes the look perfectly. It’s the sort of weapon that has enough universal appeal that anyone can use and love it. One of the best looking skins on this list, and a great showcase of using creativity to make a simple weapon more interesting.

★ Ursus Knife | Slaughter (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

7. ★ Gut Knife | Lore (Field-Tested)

Going back to the Gut Knife, we have the Lore Gut Knife, a fantastic looking knife that goes the opposite way compared to the previous entry on this list. Instead of leaning into the visceral appearance of the Gut Knife, the Lore skin instead takes the ornate shape and appearance of the weapons and runs with it.

Bright metallic yellow and detailed, intricate patterns adorn the blade of the weapon, contrasted by the black grip of the weapon. It results in a clean, bright look that we love to see, and we’re sure it’ll appeal to players of all kinds.

★ Gut Knife | Lore (Field-Tested)
Starting at

8. ★ Ursus Knife | Damascus Steel (Field-Tested)

Speaking of creativity, we’ve now got the Damascus Steel Ursus Knife. So, how does this skin take the basic Ursus Knife look and make something special out of it? The same way the other one did it, with some absolutely breathtaking looking work on the blade of the weapon.

This time, the blade of the weapon is just crazy looking, with a mess of white and gray ripples giving it an almost glitched out look. That’s not to say it’s bad though, on the contrary, it gives the weapon a very unique look. If you like your knives on the wild side, the Damascus Steel Ursus Knife should be high on your wishlist.

★ Ursus Knife | Damascus Steel (Field-Tested)
Starting at

9. ★ Navaja Knife | Fade (Factory New)

The Fade Navaja Knife is a cool switchblade that’s similar to the Marble Fade skins. A brightly colored blade is once more paired with a solid hilt, though this time the Navaja Knife’s fascinatingly ornate handle actually contrasts nicely with it. We love how it looks overall, and we’re sure a lot of you are going to be huge fans of this one too.

★ Navaja Knife | Fade (Factory New)
Starting at

10. ★ Classic Knife | Case Hardened (Well-Worn)

Finally, we’ve got a Classic Knife skin on the list, and it’s the Skin Hardened Classic Knife. Once again, we’re greeted by a brightly colored blade that’s almost reminiscent of an oil spill in how its coloring shifts wildly all over. It changes how it looks based on how it refracts of light sources, so that’s a fascinating idea for a skin.

We think the Case Hardened Classic Knife is another great general knife, you simply can’t go wrong with this one.

★ Classic Knife | Case Hardened (Well-Worn)
Starting at

11. ★ Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler (Factory New)

Guess who’s back? That’s right, it’s the Gamma Doppler Gut Knife, a green variant of the original black and blue Doppler skin. If you have a great and simple idea for a skin, why not run with it? Taking the blue away and replacing it with a bright green actually works quite well for the skin. Otherwise, all the positives of the Doppler skin also apply here, so if you liked that one, you’re in luck.

★ Gut Knife | Gamma Doppler (Factory New)
Starting at

12. ★ Stiletto Knife | Crimson Web (Field-Tested)

The Crimson Web Stiletto Knife is one of the coolest looking knives on this list, and it all boils back down to that familiar black and red color scheme. With the slim look of the knife however, it recontextualizes the look into something more dangerous, akin to a scorpion sting or a bloody thorn. The very subtle spider web design also goes far in making the design more interesting.

★ Stiletto Knife | Crimson Web (Field-Tested)
Starting at

13. ★ Bayonet | Black Laminate (Well-Worn)

If you like realistic, militaristic looking skins, we’ve got the Black Laminate skin for you. It’s a simple skin, but that heavily works to its strengths. The biggest change to the coloring here is the straight black line on the blade of the weapon, which makes it seems like there’s a second hole along it. A clever little change for the weapon, and one that works very well.

★ Bayonet | Black Laminate (Well-Worn)
Starting at

14. ★ Bowie Knife | Autotronic (Minimal Wear)

I hope you guys like black and red, because the Autotronic Bowie Knife is here, and it’s making great use of the color combination once again. To be fair, the Autotronic skin’s red is brighter than the others on this list, and with a nice metallic finish. Black edges go all around the blade, cleaning up the look immensely. Even among the black and red skins, this one’s a standout.

★ Bowie Knife | Autotronic (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

15. ★ Bowie Knife | Bright Water (Field-Tested)

Finally, we’ve reached the end of the list, and we’ve got the Bright Water Bowie Knife to close things off. Unlike the name would imply, the Bright Water skin is actually much darker than most skins on this list. Instead, it’s another militaristic looking skin, this time with a more straightforward navy blue camouflaged look. A fantastic choice for anyone, and a strong closer to the list.

★ Bowie Knife | Bright Water (Field-Tested)
Starting at

Final words

Now that we’re at the end of the list, we hope you managed to find a skin that works for you. Worry not however, even if none of the skins here really appealed to you, just keep looking. We’re sure you’ll fine a skin that fits you eventually, seeing how there are endless choices for skins in CS2. Stay tuned for more information, and keep up your CS2 endeavors!

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