The Best Desert Eagle Skins in CS2

September 28th, 2023
The Best Desert Eagle Skins in CS2
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What are the best Desert Eagle skins in CS2? The answer to that question depends on a number of factors. Everyone has different tastes, and some people have different budgets when it comes to CS2 skins.

That means there is no one perfect skin for everyone, but there are certain skins that can be considered more popular than others. In this article, you’ll find out what those skins are and how they stack up against each other in terms of popularity among players in general, as well as their relative affordability for your budget. You’ll also get tips on how to care for your expensive gun and its glorious skin!

The best Desert Eagle skins

Just to be clear, the best type of skin is up to you! If you think a certain skin looks better than all the others, then it’s your favorite. That doesn’t mean other people won’t like a different one more. However, if you’re looking for a sense of what most people think, then the following skins are popular, and they’re listed in order of popularity.

When you’re looking for a Desert Eagle skin to purchase for your CS2 account, there is one important thing that you need to keep in mind: cost. If you have a high budget, there are some premium skins for you in our list. However, if you’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of spare cash to spend on your Deagle skin, then it’s best to get the ones that won’t cost too much.

Without further ado, let’s review some of the popular and trending Desert Eagle skins.

1. Desert Eagle | Printstream (Field-Tested)

Printstream is one of the most popular skins in CS2, thanks to its great in-game and real-life resemblance to the famous nostalgic version of Desert Eagle. It has a lower price than some of the other skins on this list but is still one of the better-looking ones that’s extremely popular among players.

Desert Eagle | Printstream (Field-Tested)
Starting at

2. Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive (Field-Tested)

The Ocean Drive is another popular gun skin since its low price makes it great for beginners who can’t afford high-priced guns just yet. It’s still pretty uncommon, so if you want something that looks nice and not too flashy but will still get people saying, “Hey, cool gun”, then this one is for you.

Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive (Field-Tested)
Starting at

3. Desert Eagle | Fennec Fox (Field-Tested)

The Fennec Fox is number three on the list and another relatively uncommon skin that will stand out among all of your teammates’ pistols without being too flashy and annoying to them.

It has a red-ish tint to it, so if you like green or purple, then I recommend trying out both those colors instead. Either way, this gun doesn’t light up in neon lights when you use it. Plus, its price tag isn’t bad at all.

Desert Eagle | Fennec Fox (Field-Tested)
Starting at

4. Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Minimal Wear)

If you’ve ever played CS2 with a Desert Eagle before, then you’ve seen the default color that it comes in. However, with this Mecha Industries skin, it looks like a light yellow (or lavender) instead of red. Either way, this gun has what is considered to be one of the most beautiful skins in all of CS2. It’s definitely one of the best-looking ones available.

Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

5. Desert Eagle | Code Red (Field-Tested)

The Code Red has a pattern on it where it appears to look faded or worn out from being used so much. With these skins, you’ll have a Desert Eagle that looks older than what it really is while also having a cool pattern. In the case of Code Red, it’s a red and black appearance.

Desert Eagle | Code Red (Field-Tested)
Starting at

6. Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon (Minimal Wear)

The Kumicho Dragon doesn’t exactly look like a dragon (and no, it doesn’t breathe fire), but it definitely looks like something out of a fantasy video game. With golden wings and detailed engravings all over its surface, this skin will make your Desert Eagle stand out even more from the rest of your team.

The downside is that it’s insanely rare, with a drop chance of only 3.2%. If you’re lucky enough to get this skin for free by opening cases, then go ahead! If you have to pay for it, then you’ll definitely be dropping some cash on an expensive Deagle skin.

Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

7. Desert Eagle | Conspiracy (Minimal Wear)

If you’re looking for an equally good-looking and cheap Desert Eagle skin, then I recommend the Conspiracy. It’s not too flashy like some of the other ones on this list, but it will still make your gun stand out from all of your teammates’ skins without being expensive at all!

Plus, if you want something that looks old or worn down (but in a cool way), there are two options here to choose from Conspiracy and Crimson Web.

Desert Eagle | Conspiracy (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

8. Desert Eagle | Blaze (Factory New)

The Desert Eagle CS2 skin ‘Blaze’ is one of the coolest skins. The Desert Eagle skin ‘Blaze’ has a barrel that is inlaid with silver rings. It has an empty gold magazine to show how it was emptied when you pulled the trigger. This gun must be kept in pristine condition because there are scratches on the barrel if it gets dirty or scratched up.

Desert Eagle | Blaze (Factory New)
Starting at

9. Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear)

The Cobalt Disruption is a beauty! The gun’s finish is rich with deep, reflective blues to a point where it’s hard not to look at it for any period of time. It also has a really cool design on the grip. The Cobalt Disruption has the same price as other skins, but this one is worth it if you are looking for something really flashy and eye-catching.

This CS2 skin will make your Desert Eagle stand out from the rest of your team’s skins. Plus, it looks awesome!

Desert Eagle | Cobalt Disruption (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

10. Desert Eagle | Trigger Discipline (Minimal Wear)

The Trigger Discipline finish has metal textured grips that give it an increased sense of realism. The camo pattern is also unique to this skin, giving it both a unique design and texture.

Desert Eagle | Trigger Discipline (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

11. Desert Eagle | Crimson Web (Minimal Wear)

The Crimson Web is another extremely popular choice that appears to look like a spider web wrapped around the entire gun. If you’re into CS2 for Halloween-themed stuff, then this one is perfect for you. On top of how cool it looks, most players also rank this as one of the best skins that you can get for your money, even though it’s not too cheap.

Desert Eagle | Crimson Web (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

12. Desert Eagle | Midnight Storm (Minimal Wear)

If you’re looking for a cheaper version of the Crimson Web skin, then this is going to be what you want to get. It doesn’t have a gold dragon on it or anything like that, but it will still make your gun look unique from everyone else in the game! This is another great option if you just need something cheap that looks good without being too over-the-top.

Desert Eagle | Midnight Storm (Minimal Wear)
Starting at

Final words

The best Desert Eagle skins in CS2 are not easy to find. We’ve given you 12 of the most popular options, but there are much more available for purchase.

A little bit of research goes a long way when it comes to finding the perfect skin that matches your personality and taste. Have fun browsing through all the different designs out there, and don’t be afraid to try something new with this gun!

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