The Best PP-Bizon Skins In CS2

At just $1400, the PP-Bizon is one of the most solid skin choices to select in CS2. This weapon is based on the PP-19 Bizon SMG created by Izhmash back in 1996. The version in the game has a 64-round helical magazine that makes for quite a dangerous and effective presence. The gun is able to shred through multiple opponents and kill in one headshot. The high magazine capacity of this weapon is where it truly shines as it’s able to spray bullets at enemies to close gaps. If you’re able to master this gun, you’ll be sure to totally dominate lobbies.
List of the best PP-Bizon skins
Alright, let’s get right to the point. We know you came here for the best PP-Bizon skins that exist in CS2 today, so we’ll say no more. Here are our top picks for the Bizon.
1. PP-Bizon | Brass (Factory New)
The Brass is an aptly named PP-Bizon skin in CS2. It features a nice brass finish that looks quite authentic for a video game gun skin. The design also features a nice metal grey finish at the bottom. Overall, you’ll certainly feel like the head of a cartel with a skin that looks and feels this premium. You can’t afford to ignore this level of beauty on a gun.

2. PP-Bizon | High Roller (Minimal Wear)
The High Roller skin is one that has a card aesthetic going on. This look is one that is pretty awesome to have on your gun, especially if you’re the type of player that believes in fate or luck. The playing card element is nice to have. The High Roller can certainly be your lucky gun if you need a bit of that to secure some successful wins.

3. PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis (Minimal Wear)
The Judgement of Anubis. If you fancy yourself as a god of the dead, this is the perfect gun for you. I think this name is the perfect match for the look of a gun skin. This weapon has a nice Egyptian style to the patterns. A mix of patterned black and gold, there isn’t much your opponents will be able to do once you’ve got them in your sights with this weapon equipped.

4. PP-Bizon | Fuel Rod (Minimal Wear)
This is a super creative interpretation of the Bizon’s look. This skin features a green liquid-style paint job with a toxic symbol above it. There’s no better way to strike fear in your enemies than by basically having a gun threatening to melt them down with chemicals. The thought of that dangerous outcome is one that is sure to make your enemies think twice about picking fights with you on the map. Be sure to melt them down though!

5. PP-Bizon | Osiris (Factory New)
We had Anubis earlier, you didn’t think we’d have the legendary God of the Underworld to accompany this list, did you? The Osiris PP-Bizon is a shiny weapon you can get in your arsenal at a modest price. Featuring a shiny black paint job along with orange highlights, it’s a full package and a nice one at that. The Osiris is sure to be easy to identify if your enemies are darting around in fear of you. This skin deserves its name, so you must do it justice on the battlefield.

6. PP-Bizon | Antique (Minimal Wear)
The Antique skin feels like something that will be handed down to you by your father who got it from 3 generations of fathers. Instead, you get to enjoy this special design in CS2, the place where you get to mow down lobbies of degenerates and tryhard players. Fair enough, I don’t think there’s a better place an antique gun will get to feel alive than a CS lobby. Be sure to do the gun justice by tallying up a laundry list of kills with it.

7. PP-Bizon | Embargo (Minimal Wear)
The Embargo has a worn look to it, but it fits right in with the aesthetic thanks to the way the paint job is rendered. It features a cyan blue and rusty metal bottom. The entire frame is a wonder to observe. Having it equipped is even better. This skin is a great way to completely have your taste on display. Both teammates and enemies alike are sure to be completely impressed by the look of this skin. Don’t doubt that their jealousy might make them more prone to hunting you down.

8. PP-Bizon | Runic (Factory New)
Wow. That’s the first impression this skin gives. The way the paint job is done around the top with orange highlights is pretty cool for a skin at this price. With the orange highlights, there are also elements of silver blending into black around the rest of the frame. This design definitely brings the heat. Did we mention the glowing orange yet? Yes, we can’t stop gushing over that. Be sure to completely do it justice by letting out your magazines to the fullest in every round you get!

9. PP-Bizon | Blue Streak (Minimal Wear)
The Blue Streak gun skin is one that is awesome to have on you. The calm and wavy look of the blue paint job is pretty calming and unaggressive in a sea of bodies. If you’re looking for a piece of tranquility in a violent world, this is that piece. The blue and black waves are nice to have around. There is no doubt that this skin can evolve to be your new happy place when playing the game.

10. PP-Bizon | Photic Zone (Minimal Wear)
This is easily one of the cleanest CS2 skins around. The Photic Zone looks like some alien technology that was bestowed in the arms of a CS player. That combination sure might be dangerous, but it does make for an awesome combination. Neon green and dark green camouflage with white highlights and an overall lighthearted look is quite the combo. For a gun skin, the blend of colors feels like something I’d also like to see on a controller.

Final Verdict
The PP-Bizon is a nice gun to use in CS2, more so when you’re familiar with the best tactics that it is suited for. With mastery and a nice set of skins, you’ll be the most lethal player around.