CS2 Update Adds Operation Broken Fang

Valve released the Operation Broken Fang today, with tons of new items. We've got the new Operation Broken Fang Case, which can also drop one of 24 new glove skins. Then there's three new skin collections, two new sticker collections, new agents, new graffiti, and some new patches as well.
In order to play the Operation Broken Fang missions and get access to all the new and shiny skins, you'll need to buy the operation pass. You can check out the official page from Valve if you're interested in learning more about the operation itself.
After that's said, let's jump right into the new skins!
The New Operation Broken Fang Case
We've got a new case - the Operation Broken Fang Case. This case contains 17 brand-new skins which have been designed by community members. Additionally, you can get one of 24 new glove skins by opening an Operation Broken Fang Case. You can browse all the new skins and knives below:

The New Operation Broken Fang Collections
Valve also released three new collections. Skins from those collections can be obtained as rewards when playing the operation. You can take a look at all new collection skins here:

The New Operation Broken Fang Agents
And of course we also got some new agents! Some of these agents also have completely new voice lines, you can listen to those by clicking on any agent below:

The New Operation Broken Fang Stickers
Two new sticker collections are also available with the new Operation Broken Fang. As with the collections and agents, those can also be obtained as rewards by playing the operation.

The New Operation Broken Fang Patches
Do your new agents look too basic for your taste? Well, get yourself some new Operation Broken Fang patches and give your agents a sleek style!

The New Operation Broken Fang Graffiti
Are you ready to impress your enemies with some sleek new graffiti? Say no more! Valve also added some stylish new graffiti with the Operation Broken Fang.