The Most Expensive Cases In CS2

September 28th, 2023
The Most Expensive Cases In CS2
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Since its initial launch in August 2012, Valve’s competitive shooter Counter-Strike 2 has steadily increased in popularity over the years, with millions of players from throughout the world concurrently tuning into the game every day to enjoy their favorite esports title. Although the gameplay of CS2 is undoubtedly one of the best in its genre, a significant factor contributing to its continued growth is the massive skin market associated with the game.

There are plenty of methods to obtain skins in CS2, with case openings being one of the more popular ones. If you’re not familiar with how case openings work in CS2, players can purchase keys through the in-game store to unlock cases and obtain skins. These cases usually drop randomly and for free after finishing games on Valve’s official servers. However, players can also choose to buy them from the Steam Community Market.

While keys are sold at a fixed price in the CS2 store, the same cannot be said for cases, which can vary widely in price depending on their rarity, popularity, and other factors.

In this article, we’re gonna take a look at the most expensive cases that the CS2 market has to offer, while also discussing the skins included in them and what makes the cases unique.

Top 5 Most Expensive CS2 Cases

Below, we have listed the top 5 most expensive cases in CS2. Do note that the cases mentioned on this list are based on their current prices on the Steam market. The contents of this list are subject to change in the future based on the fluctuation of the prices of the cases.

5.) CS2 Weapon Case 2

Much like the majority of the cases you’ll see on this list, CS2 Weapon Case 2 is one of the oldest cases in the game which was introduced to CS2 way back in November 2013. Thy case contains a total of 77 weapon skins including 65 exceedingly rare drops for the M9 Bayonet, Karambit, Gut, Falchion, and the Bayonet knife.

CS:GO Weapon Case 2
CS:GO Weapon Case 2
Starting at

4.) Operation Hydra Case

The Operation Hydra Case wasn’t added to CS2 until late 2017, but that didn’t stop the case from becoming one of the most expensive cases in the entire game. There are 41 weapon skins that can be unboxed in the case, with 24 of them being glove skins for the Hand Wraps, Moto Gloves, Driver Gloves, Bloodhound Gloves, Sport Gloves, and Specialist Gloves.

Operation Hydra Case
Operation Hydra Case
Starting at

3.) eSports 2013 Case

Alongside the iconic AWP BOOM and the P90 Death by Kitty, the eSports 2013 case features 65 possible knife skins including finishes like the Fade, Crimson Web, Case Hardened, and many more. The eSports 2013 Case is also a part of the discontinued case pool, which means that they can no longer drop in-game and the only means of getting these is through purchasing them off the market or trading them from other players.

eSports 2013 Case
eSports 2013 Case
Starting at

2.) Operation Bravo Case

If you’re looking to add the coveted AK-47 Fire Serpent or the AWP Graphite to your CS2 inventory, then the Operation Bravo Case is your only option. With each case costing you a pocket pinch of about $48, you’ll be keeping your fingers crossed for one of the red or yellow drops from the Operation Bravo Case to make it worth your investment.

Operation Bravo Case
Operation Bravo Case
Starting at

1.) CS2 Weapon Case

The CS2 Weapon Case reigns supreme as the most expensive CS2 case currently on the Steam Market, and by a margin. Opening a single one of these cases will cost you upwards of $68 USD, but you’ll stand a chance at obtaining the prestigious AWP Lightning Strike or the AK-47 Case Hardened.

CS:GO Weapon Case
CS:GO Weapon Case
Starting at

Why Are CS2 Cases So Expensive?

As mentioned earlier, there are several factors that contribute to the high prices of CS2 cases. These factors include whether or not the cases are in the active drop pool, their overall rarity, and demand among the player base, among others. Over the past few years, as the game itself has skyrocketed in popularity, the price of CS2 cases has also increased at a steady pace. As the number of old cases that are now discontinued from the game continues to deplete due to case openings, their prices on the Steam Market are only expected to increase further unless Valve decides to increase the case drop rates.


This concludes our list of the top 5 most expensive cases in CS2. Opening these cases is certainly a high-risk move, but the potential rewards from unboxing them make it a gamble worth taking if luck is on your side. Ultimately, the decision to invest in expensive skins should be based on personal preference and affordability. Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated collector, the thrill of unboxing a rare skin in CS2 is a unique experience that can make the investment worth it. But as with any form of gambling, it’s crucial to approach it with caution and responsible spending.

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