CS2 Update Adds 10 Year Birthday Stickers
The latest CS2 update introduces the 10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule containing 65 new stickers designed by community members. The capsule can currently be bought in-game for $1.00. After the 7-day trade hold, it can be traded with other players and also be sold on the Steam Community Market.
The 10 Year Birthday stickers celebrate the 10th birthday of CS:GO, the stickers have been chosen from the 10th anniversary sticker competition.
We also got a completely new type of sticker - the Lenticular stickers! These stickers have moving parts, kind of like an animation, depending on the angle you're inspecting the sticker from.
Well, without further ado, let's take a look at the stickers...
The New 10 Year Birthday Stickers
For your convenience, here's a list of all the stickers that you can get when opening a 10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule. As always, the stickers are sorted by popularity.