DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package
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Price History
The DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package was first introduced to CS2 9 years ago, on October 27th, 2015. It was released as part of the "Cluj-Napoca: The Group Stage" update.
The DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package can not be obtained by opening any containers. The item is also not part of any collections.
With a popularity of 40%, the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package is currently an item with average popularity in CS2. This popularity measurement is based on the daily sales volume and the price of the item.
The DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package is one of 422 other Container items. The rarity of the item is Base Grade, which makes the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package a pretty common occurrence in the game.
With a price of $67.49, the DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package is a rather affordable item. Fortunately, it's currently widely available and can be purchased on multiple different markets.
This souvenir package has been released as part of the 2015 DreamHack Cluj-Napoca CS:GO Championship. It was initially dropped during a match on the map Cache, which was played at the tournament.
Community Sentiment
The DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015 Cache Souvenir Package has received over 2K votes on CSGOSKINS.GG, leading to an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.