MAC-10 | Last Dive
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Essentially a box that bullets come out of, the MAC-10 SMG boasts a high rate of fire, with poor spread accuracy and high recoil as trade-offs. It has been hand painted with a randomized green and orange pattern. There's beauty in chaos
The MAC-10 | Last Dive was first introduced to CS2 7 years ago, on March 15th, 2017. It was released as part of the Spectrum Case, alongside the "Take a trip to the Canals" update. The skin was created by the community designer "m_d".
The MAC-10 | Last Dive can be obtained by opening a Spectrum Case container. The skin is also part of the The Spectrum Collection.
With a popularity of 85%, the MAC-10 | Last Dive is currently in the top 15% of the most popular items in CS2. This popularity measurement is based on the daily sales volume and the price of the skin.
The MAC-10 | Last Dive is one of 253 other SMG skins. The rarity of the skin is Restricted, which makes the Last Dive a rather rare drop with an estimated drop chance of 15.98%.
With a price range between $1.33 and $4.98, the MAC-10 | Last Dive is a very affordable skin. Fortunately, it's currently widely available and can be purchased on multiple different markets.
The float value of the MAC-10 | Last Dive ranges from 0.00 to 0.52, which makes the skin available in all exteriors. For each exterior, there also exists a StatTrak version for the Last Dive.
Finish Style
This MAC-10 has been painted in a "Anodized Airbrushed" style, with the Last Dive finish. This style emulates applying the candy coat via freehand airbrushing. The skin has been painted in a color scheme of orange and cyan. The look of the Last Dive finish is affected by its pattern index. The skin uses the new CS2 model.
Community Sentiment
The MAC-10 | Last Dive has received over 6.7K votes on CSGOSKINS.GG, leading to an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. The skin is currently also owned by the professional CS2 players tarik, chrisj and abe.