Sawed-Off | Sage Spray
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The classic Sawed-Off deals very heavy close-range damage, but with its low accuracy, high spread and slow rate of fire, you'd better kill what you hit. It has been spray-painted freehand with short, thick lines in contrasting colors. Perfect for the insurgent on the go
The Sawed-Off | Sage Spray was first introduced to CS2 10 years ago, on July 1st, 2014. It was released as part of the Copenhagen 2024 Overpass Souvenir Package, alongside the "Operation Breakout" update.
The Sawed-Off | Sage Spray can be obtained by opening one of the 18 containers that contain the skin. This includes the Antwerp 2022 Overpass Souvenir Package, Atlanta 2017 Overpass Souvenir Package and Berlin 2019 Overpass Souvenir Package container. The skin is also part of the The Overpass Collection.
With a popularity of 70%, the Sawed-Off | Sage Spray is currently in the top 30% of the most popular items in CS2. This popularity measurement is based on the daily sales volume and the price of the skin.
The Sawed-Off | Sage Spray is one of 142 other Shotgun skins. The rarity of the skin is Consumer Grade, which makes the Sage Spray a pretty common occurrence in the game.
With a price range between $0.01 and $7.90, the Sawed-Off | Sage Spray is a very affordable skin. Fortunately, it's currently widely available and can be purchased on multiple different markets.
The float value of the Sawed-Off | Sage Spray ranges from 0.06 to 0.80, which makes the skin available in all exteriors. For each exterior, there also exists a Souvenir version for the Sage Spray.
Finish Style
This Sawed-Off has been painted in a "Spray-Paint" style, with the Sage Spray finish. The weapon is spray-painted with multiple coats through stencil patterns. That said, this particular skin has been mostly painted in shades of gray. The look of the Sage Spray finish is affected by its pattern index. The skin uses the new CS2 model.
Community Sentiment
The Sawed-Off | Sage Spray has received over 2.7K votes on CSGOSKINS.GG, leading to an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. The skin is currently also owned by the professional CS2 players fallen, kennys and happy.